
Unfortunately, due to the overabundance of traffic laws (many with no defensible safety rationale) and a court system that focuses on expedience and profits on the losers, it is very hard to avoid being unjustly cited and, possibly, convicted of a traffic offense. This statement holds true in the United States, where I am from. It also holds true in Europe, where I live now. This site was originally conceived as a protest of photo enforcement, but the scope has grown. Because of the large amount of driving I’ve done and the variety of places in which I’ve done it, I have several stories of cops (both computer and human) who don’t understand the law, and courts who naively believe their stories. Obviously I am often the defendant in these situations, so you are free to read my stories with my clear bias in mind. I just ask that you try to think about the government’s bias as well. I will try to state the facts as clearly as possible and reflect on the lessons learned. Due to my expertise, this will mostly focus on motorist rights, but you may find occasional related stories of police overreach as well.

I believe:

  • Traffic laws are necessary for safety in a well-managed society.
  • Every traffic law should be written to address a well-defined problem in a manner supported by science.
  • Police officers should have training in the laws and the constitution (or equivalent document, as this is not intended to only apply to the US).
  • The court system should be funded by all taxpayers, not the guilty, to eliminate the appearance of a conflict of interest.
  • It is my right and duty to speak up about injustice where I see it.

Though I am well-versed on the laws I write about, none of this is intended to constitute legal advice. I believe, as a general principle, that responsible members of society should contest all tickets, but I am not a lawyer. It’s up to you to decide how to apply my ideas to your individual situations.